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      Px Framework - ASP.NET components for rapid development of database applications


Components of Px Framework:

Validation, checking of the entered values by means of the PxWebQuery component and other visual components (PxEdit, PxComboBox, etc.)

Through the PxEdit component (as well as PxComboBox, PxFlyComboBox, PxJSDatePicker, etc.) the PxWebQuery component contains and automatic validation. If the table column linked to the PxEdit component is of the string type, validation of the string length is automatically carried out, if it is of the int type, validation operation to check whether the integer has been entered is carried out, in case of the date type, validation operation to check whether the valid date has been entered is carried out, etc.

The picture below shows an example where we have entered a string which length exceeded the length of string defined in the database. Then we have entered an invalid date. Linking the PxWebQuery and the PxEdit component causes the automatic validation. If the value specified in the PxEdit component does not correspond to the given type, it shall not pass the automatic validation, data storing shall be automatically stopped, and the PxEdit component shall report an error message stating the reason for which the data has not been stored.

Validácia prostredníctvom komponent PxEdit, PxCombobox a pod.

In addition to the automatic validation, there are additional validations, defined in the PxWebQuery component via the AddParamValidation parameter.

wquAdresar.AddParamValidation("name", "vtIsNotNull");

In this case, data storing shall not be carried out if the "Name" column is not filled out, and after pressing the "Ok" button the original form shall remain and the "Persons Name" component shall report the error message. Please refer to the picture below:

Validácia prostredníctvom komponent PxEdit, PxCombobox a pod.

Similarly, if the "vtIsNotNull" validation parameter is applied to the "juridical form" column, the original form shall remain after pressing the "Ok" button until any value from the "juridical form" list is selected. The command specifying the juridical form validation parameter shall be as follows:

wquAdresar.AddParamValidation("idpravnaforma", "vtIsNotNull");

If no Juridical Form from the combobox is selected, the original form shall remain after the "Ok" button is pressed, and the reason why the form has not been saved shall be stated in red letters. Please refer to the picture below.

Validácia prostredníctvom komponent PxEdit, PxCombobox a pod.

Definition of the AddParamValidation command:

public void AddParamValidation(string sFieldName, string sEnumValidationTest,
            string sRegularExpression, Int32 iMinMaxValue, string sErrorMsg)

public void AddParamValidation(string sFieldName, string sEnumValidationTest,
            Int32 iMinMaxValue)

public void AddParamValidation(string sFieldName, string sEnumValidationTest)

Description of the parameters of the AddParamValidation command:

sFieldName - field name , column name, to which this validation type shall be applied
sEnumValidationTest - validation type, control type that shall be carried out, description of individual fields shall be given below
sRegularExpression - expression for setting the validation via regular expressions
iMinMaxValue - minimal, maximal expression value at the specified integer field type
sErrorMsg - this expression serves for re-writing or entering of a new error message at this validation type

Description of individual validation types:

Type validation(sEnumValidationTest)Description of the validation type
 vtIsNotNull This type checks whether any value is specified, if none value is specified, the error message "No value is specified !!!" shall be sent
 vtValidToEmail This type checks whether valid e-mail address is specified
 vtValidToMaxNumber This type checks whether the smaller number than in the iMinMaxValue variable is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToMinNumber This type checks whether the bigger number than in the iMinMaxValue variable is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToPSC This type checks whether the valid zip code is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToRegularExpression This type checks whether the specified value correspond to the set regular expression , if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToString This type checks whether the specified string contains only letters, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToTelefon This type checks whether the valid phone number is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToURL This type checks whether the valid URL value is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToCurrency This type checks whether the, the valid currency type number is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToNumber This type checks whether the, the whole specified number is valid, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToFloat This type checks whether the, valid real number is specified, if not, the error message is sent
 vtValidToDateTime This type checks whether the, specified expression stands for the valid date
 vtValidToLengthString This type checks is the length of the string value of the variable iMinMaxValue, if string length is greater than the length of the variable iMinMaxValue return an error message
 vtIsUnique This type checks whether the value is unique, unique for the particular column

Each type of validation has the fixed error message assigned to it. If you want to change this error message in case its text is not satisfactory, you can do it in the following way:

wquAdresar.AddParamValidation("name", "vtIsNotNull", "", 0, "You did not name the person!!!");

Further, there is an example of validation using regular expressions.
This book is not intended to describe how to operate with regular expressions and how to compile them, for further information please refer to various web resources.

We have added another column to the "adresar" table. This column serves for entering the zip code.
Define validation via the regular expression to the Adresar.aspx.cs file as shown below:

string sRegVyrazToPSC = @"^\d{5}$|^\d{3}\s\d{2}$";
wquAdresar.AddParamValidation("psc", "vtValidToRegularExpression", sRegVyrazToPSC, 0, "You have not entered a valid zipcode !!!");

The defined regular expression allows to enter a 5 digit number, either with a space after the third digit, with or without a gap. Whenever you want to carry out validation via the regular expression, you have to specify the "vtValidToRegularExpresion" validation type. If validation for the zip code item is defined in such a way, entering of an incorrect zip code shall stop saving of a form. The error message defined in the "ERRORMSG" expression shall appear after the zip code component, please refer to the picture below.

Validácia prostredníctvom komponent PxEdit, PxCombobox a pod.

During the automatic validation and control of the length string, validation may not work quite right.

It depends on the code page that is set in the database. If you use the database code page with UTF8 the characters with diacritics in the Oracle database occupy the 2 characters and some special characters to 3 characters in the database. Therefore, you must set the property of the CharacterCode component in PxWebQuery to "UTF8" so that the validation of the string length work properly. In the following we list costants of the CharacterCode property for the proper functionality of validation of the string length.
The CharacterCode property is default set to ASCII.

N.Constant CharacterCode
 2 UTF8
 3 UTF16
 4 UTF32
 5 UTF7

If we set the code page to UTF8 in the database we should set it to the CharacterCode property before opening the PxWebQuery component. See examples below:

wquAdresar.CharacterCode = "UTF8";

Here is a functional example of the PxWebQuery component, even with source code. This functional example on this site runs on MySQL 5.0 database.

No. Example Name Source Codes SQL Script
3.1.11. Adresar.aspx

Others articles of Px Framework:

It doesn't the intention of this part website, describe in detail the work with PxFramework components, a detailed description of the component available in manual, which can be downloaded here: Download manual of Px Framework